Thursday, March 20, 2008
Soup is good food
There's nothing more boring than being bored. Especially when it's your own life that you're bored with...'s not like the movie I'm watching has hit a slow patch, and I just need a magazine to coast through until the next chase scene...
There's nothing really wrong, no big complaints, if I'm honest with myself I should probably be keeping a list of things I'm grateful for like all the experts tell us to, and actually having a life would probably make that list more often than not...
...but still...My every day routine has become like an "ok" boyfriend. You know how sometimes you have a person in your life who's just fine? They are nice to animals and get your jokes and wear clean clothes and read interesting books and your family doesn't hate them...the kind of relationshop where if you say anything negative your girlfriends all gang up and tell you that you're too picky and you're going to wind up wrinkled and alone? Yeah, you dated him too?
So my life is boring right now. Get up...stare at wall while drinking coffee... try to believe that GMA is "news" and that they'll tell me if something really bad happens so I won't have to hear about it on the car radio on the way to drop the kids off at school like I did with 9/ closet in vain for interesting things to wear...give up and wear jeans with black sweater...go to work...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...go home...feed and walk dog...feed boy child...practice
you'd probably resort to blogging too...if that were your life.
Friday, March 7, 2008
because pancakes are happy food
People I do not enjoy...
It turns out that no matter how hard you try, you just can't love everyone. Here is a list of people I don't even bother trying to like because...eeew.I do not enjoy people who....
think the fact that their baby has a runny snotty nose isn't gross because it's their baby and they love it.
cut in line without begging and getting permission first.
drive like...well...let's call them "undrivers" shall we?
make fat jokes.
...well...loud cell phone talkers...but that's universal right? I don't think they even enjoy themselves.
Things that are sticky
People I enjoy...
Let's see...I enjoy people who....
jump into the pool with all their clothes on.
relax standing up.
smell things before tasting them.
can do math in their head.
mumble to themselves, and then nod like they've made some kind of a decision.
parenting 101
mom: who are you going with?
boy: bitches.
mom: hmmm, what are you going to see?
boy: porn.
mom: well, how are you going to get there and back?
boy: ninja powers.
mom: ok honey, have fun!
yes, I AM evesdropping on your cell phone conversation
Well Nancy....
stall drama
well, my day was bookended by drama in the ladies room...typical.
I arrived at work and went straight to the rest room, my last moment of silence before a busy day. When I got in there I noticed that there were shoes in the stall next to me...quiet shoes, no business happening, shoes that were just waiting for the party to it were.
I couldn't just sit next to those shoes, it seemed like they were staring up at me. So I moved down to the last stall in the row, and then it became crucial that I get in and get out...that I get through the whole business and get the hector heathcoat out of there before the shoes came out of the stall...I just couldn't face the quiet shoes.
So much for my moment.
Then before I left for the day I went back in there...go before you go ya know...and as I was walking in a coworker caught up with me and followed me in.
Oh Lord, she's a stall talker.
Now, it's one thing to chat while you're in there with your girlfriends, but if we didn't go to school together...hush, you're creeping me out.
I do not want to have any kind of business discussion while my pants are hanging around my ankles...just no.