Friday, March 7, 2008

Well Nancy....

stall drama

well, my day was bookended by drama in the ladies room...typical.

I arrived at work and went straight to the rest room, my last moment of silence before a busy day. When I got in there I noticed that there were shoes in the stall next to me...quiet shoes, no business happening, shoes that were just waiting for the party to it were.

I couldn't just sit next to those shoes, it seemed like they were staring up at me. So I moved down to the last stall in the row, and then it became crucial that I get in and get out...that I get through the whole business and get the hector heathcoat out of there before the shoes came out of the stall...I just couldn't face the quiet shoes.

So much for my moment.

Then before I left for the day I went back in there...go before you go ya know...and as I was walking in a coworker caught up with me and followed me in.

Oh Lord, she's a stall talker.

Now, it's one thing to chat while you're in there with your girlfriends, but if we didn't go to school together...hush, you're creeping me out.

I do not want to have any kind of business discussion while my pants are hanging around my ankles...just no.

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